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Catered BBQ Bulletin Board3

Check Out Our New Healthy Choices Menu!

Healthy Choices Bulletin Board 2

Our customers asked, and we delivered!

Catered Affair has always been eager to please our loyal customers. While a fair share of our customers enjoy our selection of deli favorites and fat sandwiches, we have seen an increase in customers looking for healthier lunch options. Read more

Catered’s 30th Anniversary Trivia Contest

Catered Trivia Quiz

Want to win a Catered Anniversary t-shirt?
Test your Catered knowledge!
Fill out and email to or stop by and enter in-store!
It’s so easy to win!

The Hillsborough Patch: Catered Affair & Sandwich Station of Hillsborough, NJ Celebrate 30 Years in Business!

Catered Affair is featured in the Hillsborough Patch in celebration of 30 years in business! Best BBQ Caterer for 30 years!

Read the article here!